Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hi everyone!
I decided to start this blog to help me to let all of you know minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day details. My Hogdkin's, or as I like to call him...Bruce, has been staged at IIa. This is great news. I start chemo on Aug 31st. My chemo is called ABVD. I will receive 6 cycles, my oncologist feels that Bruce will be dead after 4 cycles. The additional 2 cycles will be to put the nail in the coffin. Each cycle lasts about a month. I will receive 2 treatments for each. It is interesting to be on this side of the cancer coin after spending 4 years as a nurse on the other side of things. It really makes me realize on a more concrete level what they all go through.

I am sending a big shout out to Sam!!! She works with me at Northwestern as many of you know and she is running a marathon and raising $$ for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society. I put a link to her page with all the info on this blog.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone is soooo excited to get the inside scoop on chemo! I know I am. . . .

Dana said...

I found your website. Looks like fun! I love you!

Kim said...

You're so awesome. . .you type exactly the way you sound. Glad you have named "IT". Thanks for giving the details - I want to know lots about this Bruce character and how you are getting rid of him! Can't wait to see you - btw I had a lot of fun when I had red hair. . .

Unknown said...

Why isn't "pink" an option for your wig color? That is my vote!

Rose said...

You're the greatest! I'm glad that you're having some fun with all this.

H said...

Hmmm... Jen's pink idea is an interesting one. Maybe brown with a pink stripe?

Anne said...

Thanks for starting this Hope! At the very least I feel like I can hear/read your voice daily :) I can't wait to get on the get Bruce committee! T-Shirts anyone?!?!? haha! Anyway ~ I love you Hope-E!

Angela said...

You're amazing! Bruce is goner.

lola said...

I already typed a comment but had no Google account so here goes again. Good picture of you and Scott! Bruce is an interesting choice of names. Do you just hate the name or did it just come to you? Bald is beautiful too -- shopping for scarves and hats can be fun. I voted for Brown wig. I want to see you so bad but I understand that this is not the time. You gotta come up with better movies, girl. I myself love Lilo and Stich. I love you and am sending hugs and kisses to you and Scott and Luca and Cody. Just remember this is your time to run Scott ragged with every little wish and desire!!