Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sorry, had to add one more. He's just so darn cute and in this picture it looks like he's smiling. I promise no more dog pics. Couldn't you just cuddle him to death though!


Rose said...

Cody sure is cute, but... you and Scott are cuter! Lots of love and prayers are coming your way from California.

Anonymous said...

Does he get to spend two weeks at my house too??

Dana said...

Cody sorta looks like a guy I use to date. Seize you tomorrow XXXXX000000

Margaret said...

Thinking about you today, sista'. Die, Bruce, die! Love you.

H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H said...

Thinking about you today. Make sure Cody and Luca know that cuddles are important for healing.

Unknown said...

I am in Love with him!!!!!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

he is pretty frekin' cute for a dog!! ;)