Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hi! Sorry it has been a bit since I updated the blog. The holidays were great, busy! I'm sure everyone feels the same way! Scott and I were home in Minnesota...had a great time with fam and friends! We saw the radiation doc last friday and I had yet another CT scan yesterday for mapping for the radiation treatments. They actually form a plastic mask to your face and everything. I even received a very small tattoo on my sternum. Pretty cool and a little creepy at the same time. Radiation treatments start next tuesday...I will receive approx 18-20 treatments and it runs Mon-Fri! I'm starting back to work a little more this week. My docs say to just ease back in and see how it goes! I am working two days this week, 8hrs each day! Crazy! Above is a pic of one of my first days back the week before Christmas. Things went great...how could they not being around all my old buds again! Love ya lots!