Monday, February 4, 2008

It has been awhile since I updated this....sorry. It gets busy trying to get on with life and all. Just another shot of work. I have been back just part-time. I still feel a little out of place but it gets easier everyday. I would put a pic of radiation in here but, I think you all might find it a bit disturbing. The mask and other accessories are not the nicest things to look at or think about. Only two more treatments to go....I have symptoms and stuff now. I guess they last for a couple weeks after the treatment ends, at least that is what I have been told. Something to look forward to!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hi! Sorry it has been a bit since I updated the blog. The holidays were great, busy! I'm sure everyone feels the same way! Scott and I were home in Minnesota...had a great time with fam and friends! We saw the radiation doc last friday and I had yet another CT scan yesterday for mapping for the radiation treatments. They actually form a plastic mask to your face and everything. I even received a very small tattoo on my sternum. Pretty cool and a little creepy at the same time. Radiation treatments start next tuesday...I will receive approx 18-20 treatments and it runs Mon-Fri! I'm starting back to work a little more this week. My docs say to just ease back in and see how it goes! I am working two days this week, 8hrs each day! Crazy! Above is a pic of one of my first days back the week before Christmas. Things went could they not being around all my old buds again! Love ya lots!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey everyone....guess more chemo...yup, we are done. Well, kinda done...I still need some radiation, but that is not bad at all. It is very local and I will not have all the icky side effects that I have had with chemo. Just a little sun burn and a sore tummy/throat. This is the awesomest thing ever and I am still very much in amazement that it worked out this way. I will start the radiation after the first of the year and since I don't have any more chemo Christmas is going to absolutely rock!!! That's Dr. Mellott...she is obviously my favorite person ever. Thank you everyone for all your prayers, thoughts, well-wishes and all around goodness. You all have no idea how much your strength has given me courage throughout all this mess. I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hi everyone....had a great lunch with Sam at Flo. It was yummy, I was so craving tacos and they had great steak tacos! It was excellent! Don't we look cute...well I look tired but what else is new. Stay tuned....we see the doctor on Friday. Love you all!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hi everyone. This is a picture of me by the PET scan. I get strapped in for one hour. Its actually quite cozy and I always fall asleep. I had my CT scan yesterday too so now we just wait for the results. We meet with the Doctor on Friday. I will let you all know as soon as we know.
Love you all!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Hey everyone! I got chemo #8 today. That's Jill, as most of you know, she took me to chemo today, how cute are we! Everything went great! My port was a little ornery and required a little TLC from Angela to get the blood going but, all is well. I used atomic fireballs this time to mask the taste I get when I get flushed with are those things spicy. Definitely did the trick! I have scans on Monday so now's the time to start crossing those fingers and keeping them crossed. I'll know the results late next week. I see the doc again one week from today to review the scans. I'll let you all know how it works out. I'm really optimistic about it. I didn't get Starbucks this week, as you will note, even though my lovely friends gave me a Starbucks gift card. I was actually running a little late (I took the final for my grad class this morning) and went to the Corner Bakery instead because it was closer...quite a disappointment though, definitely won't make that mistake again! I bet that's why my port wouldn't work right didn't know it was "go time" without the Starbucks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hi everyone....I did have chemo yesterday. Above is a pic of this week's fearless chemo team, my sis and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was my DD (designated driver)! I saw the doctor and everything is running according to plan. My next treatment is on Dec 7th. A tighter window between treatments but it was a sacrifice that we made in order for me to enjoy Thanksgiving out in LA. I will be scheduling scans after that treatment. Yeah! I am excited. I feel like not knowing is far worse than knowing. My sister and her boyfriend are here until Thurs to help entertain me. Fun! Its nice to have the help when the chemo lands on a Monday like this. I know its harder for everyone else to be around because of work. I'll update you all again soon. I am sleepy and must lay down for my first nap of the day. Love you all.