Friday, December 7, 2007

Hey everyone! I got chemo #8 today. That's Jill, as most of you know, she took me to chemo today, how cute are we! Everything went great! My port was a little ornery and required a little TLC from Angela to get the blood going but, all is well. I used atomic fireballs this time to mask the taste I get when I get flushed with are those things spicy. Definitely did the trick! I have scans on Monday so now's the time to start crossing those fingers and keeping them crossed. I'll know the results late next week. I see the doc again one week from today to review the scans. I'll let you all know how it works out. I'm really optimistic about it. I didn't get Starbucks this week, as you will note, even though my lovely friends gave me a Starbucks gift card. I was actually running a little late (I took the final for my grad class this morning) and went to the Corner Bakery instead because it was closer...quite a disappointment though, definitely won't make that mistake again! I bet that's why my port wouldn't work right didn't know it was "go time" without the Starbucks!


Monica R said...

#8!!!! You have made it through so many treatments with such a positive attitude. Good luck with the scans this week-I feel sure that Bruce is retreating! You're in my thoughts and prayers every day. Keep warm in the snowy weather.

Shirin said...

Jo just gave me your blog address. It's just great! It does make us all feel like we know what's going on and how you are doing. I have been meaning to call you to let you know that we think of you often and keep you in our prayers! My bad for not contacting you sooner. I hope you are doing well. It must be scary at times, but it seems that you are handling the chemo remarkably well.Good luck with the scans next week. Know that we are with you, we love you and we are pulling for you, even if we can't be there with you! If you need a break from the cold weather, you and your fine husband have an open invitation to visit our warmer climes. Love, Aunt Shirin, Uncle Byron, Matt and James.

Unknown said...

yey for #8...i'm very sad no starbucks!! you are the awesome w/ your positive attitude!! good luck with the scans...i know bruce is a goner!! you are in my prayers!!

katie p

Stefanie said...

keep it up hope! we are still praying everyday for you.....i just know "bruce" it getting REALLY sick of being there. We love you tons!!!!

Margaret said...

Hey, sista'--
We're pulling for you today with your scans! Bye, bye Brucie!
Love you

Anne said...

Hey Hope - you are doing great! I will be thinking about you today - I have a good feeling that your scans will bring some wonderful news! I love you so much! Call me later.

Sam said...

Fingers crossed...although sometimes it's hard to deliver babies with crossed fingers! It's worth it though. See you soon!! :) Sam xoxo

Margaret said...

I forgot to compliment your fancy hat ;)