Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hi everyone....I did have chemo yesterday. Above is a pic of this week's fearless chemo team, my sis and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was my DD (designated driver)! I saw the doctor and everything is running according to plan. My next treatment is on Dec 7th. A tighter window between treatments but it was a sacrifice that we made in order for me to enjoy Thanksgiving out in LA. I will be scheduling scans after that treatment. Yeah! I am excited. I feel like not knowing is far worse than knowing. My sister and her boyfriend are here until Thurs to help entertain me. Fun! Its nice to have the help when the chemo lands on a Monday like this. I know its harder for everyone else to be around because of work. I'll update you all again soon. I am sleepy and must lay down for my first nap of the day. Love you all.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Well, Thanksgiving in LA was great. The flights were not that bad at all. We did have a 90min delay in Minneapolis, but not too bad considering how awful the weather in Chicago was that day. It was so much fun seeing everyone. The top picture is of us and some good friends we got to catch up with. So great to see them both. The bottom picture is of the Mclarty children and the dreaded Christmas card picture. Yucky...we would have used one from the summer but, I hated all of them and I get veto power! We do look cute, I guess...I tried to vote that we didn't have to do one at all but my mother-in-law insisted. The whole weekend was one big food fest. Scott's grandma even made my fav, manicotti from scratch. Holy cow was it amazing. I don't think my weight will be down for this chemo at all. Chemo #7 tomorrow. My sis and her boyfriend are flying in tonight and are staying through the week. Tons of fun. One month until Christmas, let the countdown begin!