Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey everyone....guess more chemo...yup, we are done. Well, kinda done...I still need some radiation, but that is not bad at all. It is very local and I will not have all the icky side effects that I have had with chemo. Just a little sun burn and a sore tummy/throat. This is the awesomest thing ever and I am still very much in amazement that it worked out this way. I will start the radiation after the first of the year and since I don't have any more chemo Christmas is going to absolutely rock!!! That's Dr. Mellott...she is obviously my favorite person ever. Thank you everyone for all your prayers, thoughts, well-wishes and all around goodness. You all have no idea how much your strength has given me courage throughout all this mess. I am truly blessed.


Anne said...

YEAHHHH! Oh My Gosh - Very Awesome! Call me:) Love you!

Sam said...

That is super amazing!!!! I am so super excited for you! I cannot believe it!!!! Wow. I could just do a little dance...OK, I just might!!!!! Let's celebrate SOON!!!!

Unknown said...

YAAY! Hope, we are so excited for you here at work! Sam just did a dance of joy down at the South PCC :) Can't wait to see you back in action here! I will continue to keep the prayers coming and know you will have a blessed Christmas season :)

OurBev said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! How AWESOME!!! That's so great, Hope...I can't tell you how happy I am for you...I knew all along you'd kill Bruce. :)

Unknown said...

yey hope!!!!! i'm so excited for you!!! can't wait to see you back at good ole prentcie...not that i'm rushing you back or anything!! enjoy your chemo free christmas!!! YEY!!

katie p

Monica R said...

Amazing!!! I'm in happy tears for you here at home. So glad you are looking forward to Christmas with no thoughts of chemo. The prayers and good thoughts continue to come your way!

lola said...

Dear Hope -- Awesome!! I am soooo
happy for you --can hardly contain myself -- I know you still have some discomfort ahead of you but YEAH - one less thing to endure!!!
LOve you babe -- see you soon.

Aunt Lola

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope!!
I just heard the good news!! I am so happy for you. What a wonderful Christmas present:) Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Love, Jillian

Stefanie said...

bub bye bruce!!!!! i knew you could beat him hope:) hugs and kisses your way sweetie....have a wonderful christmas! you deserve it!

Kara Andersen said...

such great news hope! just in time for the holidays! so happy for you and your family!

Jo said...

Your dad and I are very happy for you. You couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present!!! Have fun with everyone during the Holidays. Congrats to Scott to for getting through this with you.


Jo and Dad

Unknown said...

it was so good to see you back in prentice...i hope we didn't work you too up!!

katie p

Lia Moss said...

Hope...that's awesome! What a great Christmas present. Can't wait to see you in the halls of Prentice.