Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hi! I got my port. She's a beauty. When it heals you won't even know it's there. Everything went great. For all you Labor and Delivery people I had it done in IR. Crazy! It doesn't even hurt that much. Especially compared with last surgery I had. Now I am definately ready for chemo to kill Bruce. Have a great day!


lola said...

Hope this is a test -- I am doing something wrong when submitting the comment

lola said...

Pretty little port a cath -- rest well -- save your energy -- I liked the joke about the Holy water - Love you - miss you - wish I could kiss you --

Unknown said...

Nice boobs...jk rest up!!

Sam said...

It's a beaut! I think the color goes nicely with your skin :) So, glad you got a port instead of some other nasty cvad though. Let the chemo fun begin now. Bruce is no match for your sassy self.
Thanks for doing this blog! It's so great to get all the updates. Miss you tons at work...can't wait to see your smiling face back again.
Rest up and relax these next few days and get ready to kick Bruce's butt!!!
Love you! Sam

jeff qamoos said...

Just a bit too much detail for me... but the blog is a great idea.


Natasha said...

Hi Hope :)

I'm glad today went well. Know that you have been and will continue to be in my prayers. I know that you'll be just fine. Keep shining like the star you are.
~Love, Natasha :) (L&D)

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope! What a great idea to do a blog. We miss you so much at work and we can't wait to have you back:) I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. See you soon!
Love, Jillian

sahroori said...

Habeebti hope. I feel so behind on the bandwagon. I am so glad things went well, I just got update. The scar is just a mark of a great adventure you are to overcome, his name being bruce!!! I love the blog and we can all keep updated thanks for letting us be a part of this. Loads of kisses, hugs, support and anything you need. will be checking in!! Rest up and take care -- Your L+D and masters buddy Sahar :) xoxo

sahroori said...

HOPE babe sorry i just got onboard being ontop of it. Such great news to hear you are on your way to conquer bruce. Half of it is done just your will is so powerful. We love you and miss you loads. "Support xoxox and all the love goes out to you and your fam!!" Miss you and gets lots of rest and take care of yourself. love sahar!!!your LD and masters buddy

Sam said...

Have you thought about naming your port too? She can be your partner in the war on Bruce. Maybe Xena or She-ra?

H said...

I'm confused- how does it look like you've already healed?

Margaret said...

Glad things are going well, sista'. Love to you and Scott.

Unknown said...

Hi Hope! It's a beautiful port a cath. And Steph's right.. nice boobs (hee, hee!) also j/k. Miss you much! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!Take it easy and hope to see ya soon!

Lots of Love..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear Hope,

Did you know that Bruce is the shark in Finding Nemo? Grace prays for you every night. Maya would, too, if she was old enough. Remember, bald is beautiful.


lola said...

Hi Babe -- looks like you have a lot of friends routing for you. Let the Battle begin! See if you can get another picture on the site? I love to see your smiling face. Looking forward to seeing your Mom on the first? Love and hugs all around - remember get your rest. Good warriors need their rest.

lola said...

I lost another comment - darn -- looks like you've got a lot of friends routing for you! See if you can get another picture of you- like a big face shot. Looking forward to seeing Mom on the first?
Remember rest up -- good warriors need their rest.

lola said...

oops sorry I guess I didn't --sorry for the duplication

jamiejane said...

Hope...you are an inspiration! Bruce is a Wanker...with a capital W. I think bald is also beautiful...the G.I. Jane look is totally in. You should make Scott grow his hair as you lose yours so that you don't lose your braiding skills. I miss you and am thinking about you!

Anne said...

Love you so much Hope-E!!!! I agree with many comments on this post~ Nice Boob shot! haha! Bald is Beautiful and you are an inspiration!

Lori H said...

Hi Hope!! This is Lori... This blog is a great idea, so all your loved ones can keep track of whats going on. Kick Bruce's ass girl!! And yes, nice boob shot =) Can't wait to make it to Chicago again. I bought an SUV, so Nicole, Anne and I were saying that we should road-trip it to Chicago again! Oh, and I vote for red hair-- course, I'm a bit biased.

Erin Luby said...

hi Hope!

Great blog! I'll keep coming back to check on your progress as you kick Bruce's butt. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers...

Anonymous said...

I would agree with all the comments about the boobs! It's great to see so many of you on here. . . the more people sending bad, nasty vibes to Bruce, the better! He has become my mental punching bag.

Darcy and Matt said...

Hi Hope :) We are thinking of you! We hope you got our package. Love and hugs from California!

Patty Ruch said...

Hope . . . miss you at work more than you know. Prayers for your health and hoping you return soon. Bruce is a great name to give your illness; I wish I could help you kick his ass. If there's anything you need, you can call me. Now that I work Baylor, I have lots of time on my hands. 815.735.4430 call me if you need me.

Kim said...

Hope - you are the breast. I mean the best. Thinking of you.