Monday, August 27, 2007

This is a picture of different kinds of port-a-caths. The one on the left of this picture, the single one on the chest, is the one I will be getting. It's under the skin and get accessed for chemo/bld tests/scans with a special needle. It's a great invention.


Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow! ;)

Unknown said...

Hope - I love the blog idea!

When you're up for visitors - or want a friendly nurse to help you with your cath care - you call me!

Also, I love that the Cutting Edge was on best movie list...I have the soundtrack - if you're interested!

Love you!

ELVIA said...

Hello Hope,

Aimee says hola and send u many hugs and kissess, miss ya and love ya

Unknown said...

i hope that your insertion went well today!! take it easy...oh yeah zofran is the bomb for when you start you miss you!!