Monday, August 27, 2007

I've done a lot of cleaning today. I get my port-a-cath tomorrow at 8am and I imagine I will not feel like cleaning for a couple of days after that. Not that I ever really feel like cleaning! I'll let you all know how it goes. Have a great Monday everyone!


lola said...

oops! sorry I forgot about the Cat. Give her a hug too.

Betsy Wassilak said...

Hey Hope! Thanks for the great education! You know that old labor and delivery nurses like myself freak out when a port-a-cath walks through the door! I'm so sorry you're going through all this crap! We miss you at work! The insanity just isn't the same without you!
A joke may help:)
A priest tells three nuns that they can drink some holy water if they do something naughty.
The first one comes back and says she's taken candy from a baby and the priest lets her drink some holy water.
The second come back and says she's been naughty, she took a balloon away from a child. The priest lets her drink the holy water.
The third nun comes back and says she's done something really naughty! The priest asks what could be so naughty. She replies, I peed in the holy water!
Tee Hee and take care!
Betsy and the Baylor Sisters!