Friday, August 31, 2007

First day of chemo. I was a little nervous to have the port accessed. As you can see it is still a little bruised from the surgery and thus a little tender. It actually did not hurt that bad at all. Once its in I don't even feel it anymore. You can barely see it in this picture because its blending in with my bruise. Much better than peripheral IV's. After chemo felt fine for a couple hours, I was even thinking, "Well, if this is all it is I can definately work." Now I'm not feeling the hottest, and probably coming to terms with the fact that I can't work. I guess to be expected. The view from my chemo chair is the lake. Pretty awesome! Please keep commenting. I love seeing all you guys have to say, and it makes me laugh.


Bob said...

Here in LA we are all pulling for you. Bruce is out of here and is taking a hike. Cody is a cute dog which is just what the doctor has ordered for a fast recovery. By the way I go for the blond look. Just thought I would add my 2 cents. I send my love.

Unknown said...

i was thinking about you today... you really are amazing..and have such a positive attitude about all this crap.. bruce is no match for you!! ;) i love this whole blog idea that you came up with!! i hope that your strength stays up and you can keep us all updated on how you are doing!! you are in my thoughts and prayers!! kick butt!!

katie p

Jo said...

You look great Hope. Everyone in Oakfield is praying for you. I love Cody...he is adorable. He looks like he can give good hugs and kisses. Give Bruce heck!!!

Jason said...

You look like the queen sitting on her throne in that sapphire blue chair! Glad the port access wasn't too bad, even without EMLA cream. What are those people crying about? Geez. You are so tough. Bruce is toast. Have a good weekend with your fam!! xoxo

Sam said...

Oops, that "Jason" post is really Sam!

Margaret said...

"Let me light my lamp", says the star, "And never debate if it will help to remove the darkness”--Rabindranath Tagore

You are the brightest star. Hang in there today, sista'. Love you.

H said...

Dude, you look hot! I can't believe Scott lets you go to the hospital looking that good.


Unknown said...

Hope, you look fabulous and I am seriously in love wiht your new dog!!!! keep up the great PMA!!! Love you and miss you!!!
ps... Let me know if you need anything!!!

Unknown said...

Hey sexy~ Looks like you are doing so well & staying so strong! Seems like Cody is great company at home too, such a cutie! Lots of luv & prayers to you and Scott.. Let me know if you ever want some company at your chemo visits~ I always enjoy a nice lake view :)

shaniboo said...

stay positive and strong hope we are all rooting for you.