Saturday, September 15, 2007

That's my friend Heather...she and Ann came over to hang out with me since I am a shut-in for the weekend. I successfully gave myself my first shot. Scott yelled during it, he acted like I was giving him the shot! Such a baby...he also called me Rocky which I think means it reminds him of athletes shooting up steriods, weird. Anyways, us girls watched a lot of fun TV and ate ice cream. All in all a good day. We also worked on New York Times crosswords. Heather is really good at them!


Unknown said...

glad you had a good day...i bet those neutorphils are on the way up...bruce seriously needs to lay off!! suduko is also fun to do too when tv gets old!!

katie p

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope!
So sorry that you did not get your chemo:( I am glad you are resting up and that your friends could come over to visit. Hang in there!
Love, Jillian

Anne said...

Hey Buddy! Happy Sunday - Hope you are enjoying some good movies on USA & TBS today...Bring It On, Breakfast Club, Bring It On Again...Love you!
Anne & Mickey