Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hey everyone. What an awesome day I had. I saw so many people at work! It was so nice to see everyone. I forgot how much I missed you guys! Then I met Sam and we went to see Amanda at the hospital. We saw Steph there and then met up with Kim, Teresa, Monica at Pompeii around the corner for some lunch. I am definately worn out but, I had a blast! Now I am going to eat the dinner which Sam so nicely provided. I think there is enough soup for at least 4 meals! Thanks Sam!!! Have a great night everyone. Enjoy these last few days of good weather! It's absolutely beautiful outside! Love you all!


Stefanie said...

It was so great to see you Hope! We miss you soooooo much:) Thank you for the treats!xoxo!

Sam said...

I'll be having soup for dinner too! I sure hope it's good because I have enough to feed an army. It was so fun to see you. I hope we didn't wear you out too much. Rest up for round 2 of Bruce's butt kicking.

Natalie M said...

Hey my darling Hope!!! I just wanted to suggest that I bet your lunch was so great because it was in streeterville! Isn't it just grand!!! Anywho I miss you and love you and can't wait for you to share more of your wisdom with smart girl!!


P.S. Does anyone else think dishman looks absolutely stunning in that picture?

Unknown said...

Aww you were at Prentice today? I must've been stuck back in 24 trying to get my pt to stop smoking in the bathroom :) So sad I missed you!! Sounds like you are doing so well, Hope! Work is not the same without your smiling face :) Get some good rest & keep eating Scott's yummy cooking (and Sam's too!) Luv YA!

Unknown said...

It was lovely to see you yesterday!! I truly miss you!! Have a great day!!!

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope! It sounds like you are doing great:) I am so sad that I missed you yesterday when you came to see Amanda:( I was at the new hospital orientation. Hope to see you soon and hang in there!
Love, Jillian

Emily said...

It was wonderful to see you yesterday. I love your hair cut, you look so awesome. Thanks for the chocolates, they were sooo good. Talk to you lata, oh hey when are we going to get some coffee? call me. Adios

Melissa Rader said...

Oh My!! How did I miss seeing you yesterday? What an observant charge nurse I am... So sorry I missed you. Please know that you are in my prayers. I hopeful that you will have a speedy recovery and be back with us at Prentice before you know it. Take care :)

Lindsay said...

You sound great! So glad you have been able to get out and have some fun- always the best medicine!!
Miss you! Talk soon!!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wow, you are such an extraordinary person. i am so jealous that all those friends and family can be there with you through it all. let me know when all the support weans down and i'll be there. till then, continue to pray for you. say hi to scott and jill for me. muahhh

love, donna

Meghan McShea said...

Hope! So sad I missed you! It sounds like you are doing great, and thank you so much for allowing us to know how you are doing! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Scott! We really miss you at work! Hope to see you soon! :)