Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thought it was time for a pic of Scott since he works so hard to take care of me. This is a pic of him making me yet another healthy dinner...yummy green beans. He's also got eggplant parmesean in the oven. My weight is still down from the last chemo...not that I'm complaining. To me the weight loss is the silver lining of this whole thing! I feel awesome today! Thanks for all the comments, cards, letters, and emails. It really makes my day! Have an awesome day!
Love you all!!!


Stefanie said...

Scott is Hot! That totally rhymed:) But no....really, what a wonderful luv you have Hope. He totally takes good care of you......We miss you tons at work:) xoxoxoxo!

lola said...

Looks like Scott is losing weight too!You two are quite a team. Good thing Scott likes to cook! Are you getting your treatment on my birthday? Miss you and I have a couple hats and scarves I want you to consider - Anne and Donnella will probably be bringing them to you when they come. Love you both and Scott take those pets for a walk too ok?

Anne said...

Hey Scott - Can't wait to see you soon as well:) Keep taking care good care of Hope-E. Love you both!

Unknown said...

just wanted to say hi!! glad you are feeling good..your positive attitude is the awesome!!

katie p

Unknown said...

What a catch!!!

Sam said...

Scott, thanks for taking such good care of Hope!!!! She's such a lucky girl.