Sunday, September 9, 2007

Picture of me getting my blood test on this last Friday. My counts were okay. My red blood cells seem to be the ones a little harder hit. I went from 14.3 on the start day to 12.4 in one week. This, of course, prompted my mother and Scott to start talking about different high iron foods. The problem is I don't like liver or blood sausage...such problems. Ha, Ha! Don't worry, I'm eating all the other high iron foods instead. Feeling great today! I am starting my list of things to get done in the next 5-6days for the next chemo! Can't tell you how much I am looking forward to it!


Unknown said...

Hey- How 'bout liver sausage? Mmmm liver sausage....:)
Was that Angela drawing your blood?
Hi Angela!

Unknown said...

your the awesome!! i love your hat!! you should eat a couple of flinstone vitamins w/ iron a day..zach LOVES them, they taste like candy!! anywho glad to see you're feeling ok..i miss your smiling face at work!! :)

Unknown said...

oh that last post was from me

katie p

hey that kinda rhymed ;)

lola said...

Do you not want to show your new hair cut or what? Saw your mother on Sunday at Granite City- Margaret too -- do not wear yourself out cleaning! Spend your time with Scott and the dogs on walks or in the park -- there is plenty of time to clean in your life, you only have this one opportunity to rest and get ready for the cancer treatments to win the battle. 'nuf of my preaching but you know it comes from love and concern. I love you. You hungry? Go meat!

Unknown said...

You are a rock star!! Miss you and love you!!

Anne said...

Hope -
First of all...You look Adorable in that hat!!!!!! You have the ability to pull off anything:) Hang in there with the nasty foods! haha - enough condiments can make anything taste okay. Have a nice day! ~AW

Stefanie said...

You are rockin in that hat Hope!!! so HOT! let me know if you need anything:) xoxoxo!

Margaret said...

I have to agree on the hat. It looks really cool. I got that weird shaped melon, so I look weird in most hats. Lucky. I can't wait to come and visit you again. I miss you, sista'.

Donella said...

I love you, Hope E Q!!

You are fabulous! And super-brave.

Monica R said...

Best high iron food is Frosted Mini-Wheats. 100% of your daily needs! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Keep up the fight against Bruce.

Kara Andersen said...

Hey Hope. just found out what has been going on with you... I love how you have put a positive light on your experiences! I am thinking of you!

oh yeah, get some zofran. that sh*t is GOOD.

xxoo. Kara

Sue Herbst said...

I love your hair! We just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Hey Hope!
It sounds like you are doing great which is soooo great to hear! I am so proud of you for fighting this thing with such a great attitude and I can't wait to see your smiling face at work again....we miss you horribly! Oh and cute hat...I have the same one but you look much cuter in it!
Love you!

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope!
It sounds like you are doing great! I am so glad that you have a blog to keep us all updated. We miss your smiling face at work. Hang in there and remember, take it one day at a time. Talk to you soon!
Love, Jillian

Anonymous said...

Is that Ang?

Unknown said...

Do you have a juicer? Try carrot and beet juice. No joke it's good.