Friday, September 14, 2007

Bad news for those of you keeping chemo was held today. My bone marrow decided that it was not up for the challenge and did not produce the adequate amount of white blood cells to make chemo safe to receive. My neutrophils are 500! Yikes. For you non-medical folk that is major danger. Now I have to take my temp every day, I can't eat any thing that is not cooked, I can't leave my house and I get fun shots. I'm tellin' you...this is just getting more fun by the day. To make matters even more exciting my hemoglobin has continued to drop as well. I guess that explains why I was so tired the other day! The new plan is to give me shots over the weekend and try again on Monday. Scott is at the drug store right now...I think he might be a little nervous about me getting sick because he's buying every anti-bacterial item he can find! Oh well, adventures in chemo land continue...


Sam said...

So sorry you didn't get your chemo! I know you're REAL sad to postpone the fatigue and nausea, but it sucks that your blood counts are so low! Be careful and rest up. Not to contradict the MD, but the onc floor here did a lit review and did find that the neutropenic diet really isn't necessary, so if you want to eat some fruit go ahead :) Scott might not let you though. hugs, Sam

Stefanie said...

hey! well i am certainly glad i stayed far away from you the other day! i would be devestated if i got you sick:( It is safe to say that I still blame bruce for it all.........what an ass! if it wasnt for wouldnt need the chemo!!!! i dont like him:( thinking about you:)xoxoxo!

Unknown said...

sorry to hear your blood is not co-operating...very sad that i wasn't working when you visited prentice!! miss up :)

katie p

Unknown said...

ps i really love your new hair!!


lola said...

baby, baby, baby -- so sorry to hear you had to postpone. I love you so --- be good and stay away from pet waste and you know the drill - whatever hurdle you face know that we are praying for you and will help you with whatever you or Scott needs. REALLY LOVE THE HAIR -- very chic!Remember The Hope I know Can do this! Bruce hasn't got a chance!

Unknown said...

Hey Buddy~
Sorry to here about the blood counts! Tell bruce to get off your neutrophils back you need those!! Don't worry you will be in fighting shape shortly! keep up hte positive attitude and let me know if I can do anything!! XOXO Tooch

lola said...

just one more comment -- I bet that Face gets you anything you want from Scott - ha ha -- I copied it to my desk top

Grammy and Grandpa said...

thinking about you and all the crap you're going through. keep your pretty chin up! love the hair!