Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hi everyone! That's my mom. She came in for the first chemo to hang out and clean! It's been great having the help. I think I definately over-estimated how much I would be able to do after chemo. I'm just used to having soooo much energy that the lack of it seemed impossible to me. I'm here to tell you...chemo definately makes you tired. I feel much better today. My mom and I have been going to Target a lot. It's amazing that you can go there day after day and still have more to buy. I have a blood test tomorrow to see how low my counts went. Then it will be time to start preparing for the next round. Thanks again everyone for all the love!
love ya...Hope Q.
P.S. Jill's mom makes the best oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies in the entire world!


lola said...

Good morning Dana and Hope and Scott - glad you feel somewhat better today. Let me know about the Blood tests, ok? Do they adjust the treatment according to the tests? FYI Austa, Peggy and Katie ask about you regularly.Between you and your mother and me we must own big shares in Target by now. Have fun and shop while you can! Love and prayers for you, Aunt Lola

Anonymous said...

Hi babe!!! We're all at work reading your blob!! WE MISS YOU AND WE LOVE YOU!!! I love the new "do". Very cute!!!! Oh, I lost my OR hat! I'm so sad....I would always think of you when I wore it!Kisses!!! Jenn P.

H said...

Your new haircut makes you look so much like your Mom!

lola said...

ditto on looking like your mom - but I have always thought that!

Unknown said...

wow you really look like your mom!! glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today..i say shopping is the very best medicine..especially target...i love that store..i could spend hours there and not even buy anything :) zach and i said a prayer for you tonight..keep up your awesome attitude!!

katie p

Anne said...

Hello Hope, Scott & Dana!!!! Hope-E enjoy your week and your time with your beautiful and funny mother:) haha! I'm sure she'll keep you entertained with 'What do you call a man with No Arms and No Legs?' jokes!!! haha! I wish I was there now. It was nice catching up with you last night. Have a great day:)

Anne said...

Lola, Dana, Margaret -
could you please send me your e-mail address??? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Hope-
It sounds like you are doing really well trying to get rid of Bruce. You look a lot like your mom! We are all thinking of you here and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Sweet haircut, how was the ativan? That sounds like good stuff. Let me know if you need anything- I'm always up for watching a movie!

Lauren Preski-Shields (as Natalie would say) (aka your best circulator friend ever)

OurBev said...

Hey Hope,

Glad to see you're keeping your spirits up! Sorry I haven't commented at all yet...I've had some pretty major stuff going on in my own life, but I wanted to tell you I'm still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers despite everything! I admire your strength and courage, and you look pretty hot too! :) Miss you.

Grammy and Grandpa said...

hi hope! it's been a long time since we have seen you, but we think of you often. you will be in our prayers as you undergo this ordeal. we know that your strength and faith will help you through it. love to you and scott, and dana.
cousin holly

Stefanie said...

hi luv! just wanted to tell you that im thinking about you:)

Mona said...

Hey Girls

Dana you look so content :)

To be with your daughter and feeling good.. Wish it could be everyday Know it's hard when you
have to be apart.

Hope , the cut is good. Looks strong.
Keep the low levels into a high frequency. Think up !
They will travel with your thoughts

Sit with high feeling visions
and it will be.. Good spirit :)

We are all focusing on your wellness sooo a group effort is
in effect and running over Bruce

Take Care Chin up Boobs out
Love Mona x