Sunday, September 2, 2007

The new me! I like it. He did such an awesome job and I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I haven't had my hair this short since the 2nd grade. Otherwise, I am doing okay. They aren't kidding about the nausea though. I keep looking forward to the day it passes. I have such great support though. Thank you everyone! Thanks Jill for giving me such a cool new do. Scott is doing great too. He was at Ikea with my mom while I got my hair hacked. I don't think he would have been as brave as I was and I had Ativan! For you non-medical people, Ativan is a very strong anti-anxiety med used for chemo-induced nausea; it's also a nice muscle relaxer!


Darcy and Matt said...

Hope--- your hair looks great! You are amazing! XOXO, Darcy and Matt

Margaret said...

I love it! It is a great look for you. Love you.

jill said...

Your hair really looks great! Mom thinks so too... I got your cookies- I'll bring 'em by tomorrow.
Love ya-

Sam said...

So cute...and sassy!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

I got in- I think! Aren't you proud?
Love the "do" dude.
As far as the voting-I'm going for scarfs and what no Pacino/DeNiro movie options?! I know- I'm being difficult.
Did you decide a name for your port? I like the name of the woman in the insurance office.
Love Cody! How are Luca and Sally?
Gotta love benzos-better living through chemistry- new chemo slogan-- "Got Ativan?"
:) Beth

Unknown said...

love it look great!!

Toni said...

Love the hairdo. You are the greatest. It looks so cute on you.XOXO

Lauren said...

Hey Hope!!! I think your new hair do is great for you! Looks good! Love and miss you!

Kate Bumpus said...


Anne forwarded me the blog and updated me on your happenings. Abe and I are praying for you. It will be nice to be kept updated through this.

Katie (Rynearson) Bumpus gotta love the new last name!

Monica R said...

Hope-great new look! Also, a great way to let us all keep up to date with you. Thank you! Sending thoughts and prayers your way every day.
Miss you.

Lindsay said...

Love the hair- quite hip and looks great on you! xoxoxo!!

lola said...

Dearest Hope -- That haircut had to be the bravest thing of all --you look fabulous! Did you convince your mother to do the same? We could all get a short cut just to show Bruce you have troops to fight him!Make Scott get a buzz cut!Cody is the cutest!I am so glad you are sending photos -- When I see your pictures I feel like I have actually connected with you from Farmington!I gave my friend Katie your Blog address - I don't know if she has accessed it yet but I noticed you have a Katie posting comments.Hope the nausea subsides as the days pass -- as a nurse you should know that some anti nausea drugs are for prevention and should be taken before you have those side effects! I hope you are being good! The old saying is that Nurse's make the worst patients! I am confident you will prove that wrong! I love you Hope --Aunt Austa called to see how you are doing.Aunt Peggy called as well -- she is praying for you too. Anyway- love and miss you wish I could kiss you and hug you and squeeze you all over!

jean ramos said...

Hope- You look fabulous! I'm thinking of you daily and amazed at your positve attitude and fighting spirit. I'm certain we will see Bruce crash and burn. Mucho amor

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hope you are such a HOTTIE!!!!!!!!!!

Katie R said... look hot with your new 'do! We all miss you at work. I'm thinking HOPE-ful thoughts for you (sorry I couldn't help myself). Kick Bruce's butt!!

Anonymous said...

I must say, if you're not proud of Beth.. I am!! I like her slogan idea as well. Haha.

Your hair looks great! Its very Americas-Next-Top-Model-ish! :)

Miss you bunches.


Anne said...

Hope-E! You look beautiful!!!! Both Mickey and I love your hair - you pull it off well:) I hope the few days after the chemo were not too horrible. We are both thinking about you and praying for you every day! Love you and I can't wait to see you!!!!!

Unknown said...

HI, Hope, Anna Levine here, your old co-worker. Jean filled me in on NMH news. You look amazing, i wish you the best. You definitely have good RN's around you, definitely good for some laughs! All the power to you!

Donella said...

HOLY CRAP!! That's short! But it's cute! I love you!

H said...

So Cute!

Unknown said...

Oooh, it looks so chic! I have some bright blue hair gel if you want to punk it up a little too ;-)

Becky and Shane said...

Hope - coming from a hairstylist's point of view, I think you look HOT!! Glad to see you are taking all of this as well as you are. You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers.

Best wishes,
Becky (Roseland) Peters

Lori H said...

Your hair looks great!! Not everybody can pull off a short hairstyle (e.g. me LOL), but you certainly can!! =) Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Kristen Engler said...

Love the hair cut, Hope! ...The smile on you would make any haircute look 'gorgeous'! I'm so proud of you! Prayin' for you! Let me know when you don't feel nauseated if you want anything to eat! I love to cook!, Kristen did you know I got engaged 7/17/07 and will be getting married 1/26/08. YEAH!

AngelaMaeder said...

Hope, your haircut looks so cute! I admire your positive attitude and I'm praying for you whenever I think of you. Miss you!

Rita said...

Its a miracle! Not you! I mean, me, getting into here! (with the help of julie OF COURSE). Short hair really makes your eyes pop out, they've always been spectacular, but short definitely does it. Keep up your spirits. Hugs and paw prints from the girls.



Rita said...

Hop i,
Just me, no message. Julie made me practice signing in on my own. EEeeeeeeek!

Jo said...

I love your new looks GREAT!!!

lola said...

my friend Patty (a former hairdresser) says the do makes you look younger and from now on you should show your id and not talk to strangers. Hope that the nausea subsides a little. Just remember this famous phrase for a tough guy like Bruce "Bring it ON".

AM said...

You look marvelous. (Said in my best Billy Crystal voice). -Ann Marie

Stefanie said...

u look BEAUTIFUL luv!!!!

Kim said...

SO CUTE! I miss you.