Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hey everyone, sorry for those of you with a weak stomach. We thought it would be cool to have a picture of me before I give myself the shot for my white blood cell count. Scott thinks its hard core. At least its only the one shot this time. The last two times I had to give myself three shots! Yucky. Feeling okay. Just tired and nauseous. Anne, Donella and I took naps this afternoon and watched Who's the Boss season 1. It was a great way to spend the day. Love you all. I'll be in touch. Sorry if this entry grossed you out!


Unknown said...

Hope~ You know your buds at Prentice love the gross close-up injection shots :) You are SUPERwoman! I don't know if I could do that to myself.. At least you've got Tony, Angela, and Mona to distract you ;) Keep up the Bruce-bashing! Love ya~
PS. May I add, LOVELY nails!

Unknown said...

You are awesome!!! Even as a nurse I dont know if I could do it!!! You are looking fabulous! Miss you and love you and F*** Bruce!!!! XOXO
ps Lunch soon?

Unknown said...

Hey Hope!
That pic wasn't gross at are just a rock star for going through all this!!
Thinking of you tons!

lola said...

Dear Hope-e so glad you are on schedule with the treatments. Nausea is a bummer tho -- go girl! be good. Like the hat !! Did you get any other ones yet? I am waiting to see you model a few.
Love, Aunt Lola

Stefanie said...

hey hope! i gotta be honest....not sure if i could do the shot thing, but it is an excellent pic....great form;) get some ya!