Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hey everyone! Had a great day today. I joined the local library and ate lunch with Kim at a new local place. It's called Crust, a very good all organic pizza-type place. It was yummy. My appetite has been a little slow to come back after this treatment. It's the craziest thing for me to experience, since I have always loved food so much, to go through this period during which I could care less if I eat or not. I did "force" myself have some carrot cake for dessert, it was awesome. The weather is absolutely gorgeous. I sat outside most of the day and read my book...that I got from the local library! In other news, Scott and I are heading for Minnesota this weekend. Scott has a three-day weekend and we are in desperate need of some non-city air. So, have a great one! Love you all!


Anne said...
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Anne said...

Yeah! I can't wait to see you...again:) Enjoy the beautiful fall days ahead. Drive safe and don't forget the Pie at the Norske Nook! Yummy~

Oni said...

Hey Hope ~ Anne emailed me through our class reunion website and forwarded your blog.

I wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the best through this!

If you want to chat and catch up my email is
Hope to hear from you. Oni

Unknown said...

Hope, you look awesome. i think of you often. coming through this with flying colors!

kara andersen

Unknown said...

i love your look fab..have fun this weekend in the north lands!! ;)
katie p

Kim said...

Yeah - that waitress really twisted your arm for carrot cake!!! Have a great weekend!

Kim said...
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Stefanie said...

hi hope! you and kim look so cute in that pic! have a great weekend..........and if you see any beautiful houses for sale.......let me know:)

lola said...

hey Hope - you look great - can't wait to see you at Li'l Oscars! Don't let us run you ragged tho. Are we going to do Li'l Oscars Twice? What kinds of foods if any are more appealing than others? I will make some of whatever - how does shrimp cocktail sound? Do you want help with the dogs?

Love Aunt Lola

OurBev said...

Hi my dear,

I just caught up on all your you know that you are quite possibly the cutest girl ever in that hat of yours? Your pics inspire me to actually do laundry so I can look cute instead of frumpy in jeans and a tshirt everday. How do you do it? Anywho, have so much fun in MN this weekend, and please, let me know when you feel up to getting together again...we strong women must stick together...our battles are different, but we'll both win our wars. :)

Monica R said...

Love the picture! Have a great time in Minnesota this weekend. The Norske Nook pie is amazing if I remember correctly!

Erika said...

Hi there Hope,

You look great and by the way nice hat!! :) Now get ready for your next treatment, Two of my former co-workers work there Rita and Michelle. You probably got to meet them! Well Best Wishes!!

Unknown said...

Hi Hope!!

Jen sent me your blog! I check it all the time. I'm so glad to hear your doing well, I miss you and I hope I can see you soon! Erin