Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hi! We got back from Minnesota all in one piece. It was a great trip. We had so much fun with my mom and fam and friends. Above is a pic of our good friends Anne, Donella, and Mickey. We had dinner with them and the cute dogs. Those are Donella's. We went to the Norske Nook Bakery on the drive back. The pie was awesome, definately worth the title of the best pie in the U.S.! The drive was great too...lots of fall colors!!! It was beautiful. I have chemo on friday. This will be #4 and end of cycle 2. It's great to count them off. Only 4 more cycles (8 more chemo treatments) to go! Scott's mom is coming in from California tomorrow. I am picking her up at the airport and then we are off for manicures and pedicures! Fun! In other news, Sam finished her marathon and raised $$ for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Way to go Sam, you are awesome!!!! Love you all! I'll be sure to let you know how the chemo goes.


lola said...

Hope - miss you already -now I know why you guys got Beagles! Be sure to rest before treatment - keep those counts high -- love you -

Anne said...

Oh Goodness Hope - you should have put a nice family picture up! Not from the night we got all dolled up to hang out with you! haha....ugh...anyway - have fun with Scott's mom and enjoy your mani-pedi today! Love you!

OurBev said...

Hi Hope, glad you're back in state...please, call me or email me sometime in the next week so we can get together for a meal or's been too long. Of course it depends on how you're feeling, but I'm off for the next 6 days and could use some planned activities. :)

Sam said...

A HUGE thanks to all of Hope's fabulous family and friends for helping me raise so much money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! The marathon was awesome and I couldn't have done it without all of you, and Hope's inspirational strength! Keep up the good work, Hope! Good luck with this round o' chemo. See you soon! Sam xoxo

Unknown said...

glad to see that you had a good time in MN...hope your chemo went well today!!! thinking of you!!

katie p