Saturday, October 13, 2007

Nice pic of Rose, my mother-in-law, and me at chemo! She came in from California on Thurs. It's always nice to have a mom around to help out and just be around. I always get that "everything's going to be okay" thing when moms are around. She and Scott are going to Costco today!!! Yeah groceries! The blood counts were awesome, so we are staying nicely on schedule! I feel okay today. Just the usual. My friend Beth came over last night...she is an oncology NP. I used to work with her at Loyola. It was so fun, we drank Fanta and Beth ate some of the pie that we got at the Norske Nook over the weekend. Rave reviews on that pie. So, thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes for the counts. I think it worked, along with the fresh Minnesota air and my mom-visit from last weekend. For those of you who are curious, the hair is still kinda there but, kinda not. I'll just shave it soon. I am getting tired of sweeping it up all over the house!

P.S. We do have a starbucks in this pic too. I'm telling you...I'm addicted to that place, its just not chemo without it!


Stefanie said...

hey hope:) im so glad you had a great time in minneapolis! just think....when i finally move there you will have one more person to visit:) get some rest this weekend....we are all thinking of you! love ya!!!!

Anne said...

I love the hidden - or not so hidden - Starbucks in every chemo pic. I am glad your counts went well. Have fun with Rose! We'll be thinking about you:) Talk to you on Monday. Anne & Mickey

Betsy Wassilak said...

You look awesome doll! Glad to hear things are rolling along! I started as Nan Rumsey's NP. From what I hear we are both pretty glad to be out of the madness! Come back when all the dust is settled in L&D. Keep me posted on the school front!
You're in my thoughts and prayers!

OurBev said...

Hey Hope, lookin' good! :) I know what you mean about the Starbuck''s so addictive! Keep up the good work, darlin'...I think of you often.

Unknown said...

you look awesome in every pic!! i'm glad your counts were good and you are feeling ok!! hey i saw your professor Linda Paskiewicz a couple weeks ago at her grandson/my cousin's christening...she says hi!! ok well keep up your good work and drink a starbucks for me :)

katie p

lola said...

Hope you look as beautiful as ever -- during your visit to MN you managed to leave the details on the hair loss out of my hearing and I feel for you. Keep up the good fight but take care of yourself. Say Hi to Rose. I love you and miss you already.

Anonymous said...

I was so sad to hear about your diagnosis but so glad to hear you are fighting through it with great spirits! I will be thinking of you and praying for you!

Kristin Spence
(from the Mertz 4th floor bitches!!)

Lizzie said...
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