Friday, September 28, 2007

Dearest Readers...
I obviously got chemo today! Yeah! Thank goodness. By the skin of my teeth. My white blood cells showed up for the game...GO WHITE BLOOD CELLS! It was a pretty close call...they were right on the line! Anne and Donella were with me. We had a great time! Scott surprised us by showing up too. I think he was worried about Anne driving me home! Just kidding! So, all is well. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers! Have a great weekend! Now its time to watch chick flicks and eat ice cream!


Kiley said...

Hey Hope! I hope that you girls have a great weekend! Stay strong! I am sending a lot of thoughts from Colorado! Tell Anne and Donella Hello from me! Kiley

Kim said...

Go WBCs is right! Have a lot of fun this weekend Hope - looking forward to seeing you soon!

Sam said...

Yea for the WBCs!!! Yipeee for chemo! Did you ever think you'd be so excited about chemo?!?!? Have a great weekend. I guess I'll have to eat some ice cream in solidarity. Love you, Sam

Unknown said...

Dear Hope,

GO WHITE BLOOD CELLS. It is so funny how everyone is so exited about this Dominicks


Unknown said...

hope you seriously are the awesome!! i'm in such amazement of your positive attitude every time i read your blog!! yey for the white blood cells...i knew all of us sending them your way would help ;) have a great weekend eating icecream!! yummy!!

katie p