Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well, Anne and Donella made in on the night bus from Minneapolis this am. Its great having them. We got manicures and pedicures this morning in true girl fashion. Then we went to the new Dominicks grocery store for dinner...lots of samples. Tomorrow is the grand opening. We are so excited about the grocery store...its only a couple blocks away. Thats a pic of Scott, Anne and Donella enjoying one of the many samples we had. Then...we went to see a free screening of the new movie The Kingdom. Needless to say...a very busy day! Tomorrow is chemo. Hopefully my counts will be good. I'll let ya all know. Love you!!!


Unknown said...

good luck today at chemo...i'm still sending white blood cells your way!! kick bruce's butt today!! miss you tons at work!!

Katie P

Margaret said...

Let me know how things go today. I'll try to get in touch tonight. It sounds like you, Anne and Donella are having tons of fun!

Stefanie said...

Bub Bye Bruce!!!!!!! hope it all goes well. love you tons luv!