Saturday, September 22, 2007

Well, we have had a great friday and saturday already!!!! The pic above is of Scott at a downtown hotel that a friend got for us for the night! It was awesome...we ordered food in and slept! The dogs stayed at their fav daycare and even had baths in the morning. I tell was like christmas! Only bad news...I woke up with a sinus infection. I won't tell you what color my snot was because I'm sure you can imagine. Dr. Mellott put me on Z-pak right away. I have been back on my shots (neupogen) for the white cells, to hopefully keep them up for my chemo on friday! The bone pain is a little more intense this time. Yuck! Vicodin works though. My blood test was okay last week... we will see what it is for chemo! I also got to see Lindsay S. and Avery on Friday. I totally forgot to take a pic in my excitement over the cheesecake we had for dessert! Avery is the cutest, you'll have to take my word for it. Enjoy the you all!


H said...

That hotel room looks super swanky! I'm glad you and Scott got a chance to relax together.

Unknown said...

it's good to hear from you!! i'm glad you had a good nite!! those nasty sinus infections...tell bruce to lay off!! :) geez!! hope the z-pak works fast for you to keep fighting!! lots of white blood cells are being sent your way!!

katie p

Stefanie said...

looks like you have had a good weekend overall:) great idea with the hotel!!!

lola said...

thank you for the news! thank you for the birthday card in absentia. I miss you HopeE. Get rest and force fluids as they say -- keep taking your RX for pain because pain can slow down recovery right?
Lowers your resistance? stresses the body? Be a good patient. You have my 2 cents for the week. love you.

cynthia walker said...

thinking of you Hope! Hop u get better. I luv your sense of humor

Margaret said...

That hotel looks awesome!! Glad you guys got to take a break together. Hope the weekend was relaxing. Talk to you soon!

Anne said...

Fun stuff! I'm sure you both enjoyed your night away:) I can't wait to see you!!!!! 3 days left!
Love you! Anne

Kara Andersen said...

Hey Hope! I was in the city last week with amanda but I didnt call because it was the day after your chemo and Im sure you were feeling like poop. but the next time i make the trek in I would love to stop by and bring you the traditional healing liquid of all andersens... booze :) works for most ailments. and if you arent allowed to have it, Im sure scott would love to take part in the andersen healing ritual. love your outlook on all this... you are a strong woman, hope. keep it up, bruce is freaking out right about now, I bet. :) hope to talk to you soon.
love, kara

coliemarie said...

Hope, this is Colie (Anne's buddy in Minneapolis...) I just want to say you are one tough cookie!! I wish you all nothing but the best...

Jillian Gallagher said...

Hi Hope!
Glad to hear that your white blood cells are up. How fun that you guys were able to stay at a fun hotel!! Hang in there and talk to you soon!
Love, Jillian

Unknown said...


We love you and cheering for you.


lola said...

Getting ready for the next treatment? Hope the blood tests are all ok.Hope that you can rest afterwards. No wild parties 'K?

Send pictures when you model hats and scarves ok?
Love, Aunt Lola