Friday, November 9, 2007

I know, two pictures might be a little much but I couldn't resist. The top is my fearless chemo team. They look so intense...I thought it was funny. I guess the drugs make things a little funnier than they probably actually are. At the time, I thought is was hilarious. Chemo #6 was fine. Just about as uneventful as we all want it to be. My counts are doing great, thanks to my shot of Neulasta. So, that's a milestone, we are half of the way there! Thank goodness. We did go to Starbucks before as always and just in case any of you are there next time, remind me not to drink a grande Gingerbread Latte before chemo. Doesn't exactly settle the stomach!!! Live and learn. Thanks for all the thoughts, comments and prayers that I know are coming my way. Two more chemos and my oncologist will start ordering scans to see if everything is clearing up. Time to start crossing our fingers!!!! Can you all imagine the party I am going to throw when this is all over! It is going to be the awesomest awesome party ever. Well, I think that's enough blogging with drugs on board.
I love you all! Have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

so cute..scott looks spiffy in his shirt and tie!! yippie for halfway there!! have a fab weekend of resting..i'm sending good thoughts your way!!

katie p

Kara Andersen said...

what a milestone, Hope! I thinking of you often and sending 'good scan' vibes your way!

Heather said...

That picture of Scott and Ann is awesome :)

Anne said...
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Anne said...

I love your Chemo team...they look much different than the cute little nuns we saw sitting together when we were there. You are doing great! I hope your weekend goes by fast:) Love you!

Unknown said...

I am so happy that things are going well. Your still in my prayers. nancy

lola said...

dearest Hope I really like the white head scarf -- you look fabulous -- glad to see Scott and Ann there with you -- Heard you are learning to crochet?Take your medicine and feel better !! love you Aunt Lola

Margaret said...

Congrats on your halfway point, sista'! Can't wait to see you! Love you,

Stefanie said...

Still praying for you everyday hope! i am sooooo happy you are half way there:) we all miss you soooooo much. fyi, i got my flu shot.....we should do lunch soon!

Anne said...

Hey buddy!
I am wishing you a happy, feeling good, fun - weekend!
Love you!