Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well, I had a great day. Pic of the ladies from Northwestern Hosp...so much fun catching up! Doyle took me around the new unit! I can't believe how big it is. Hopefully all her cool tricks for remembering where everything is will work! I am very excited to start working a little. Get me out in the world a little bit. It was great to see everyone! I even ate in the new "restaurant" and had hot tea from the argo tea in the lobby. So cool! Thanks Doyle! In other news, Scott and I leave for LA tomorrow to spend the holiday with Scott's fam. Weather permitting! I hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Eat lots of yummy food!!!! My next chemo is on the Monday after Thanksgiving. I get to see the doc too so I will update you all on when my scans will be and we can all start crossing our fingers. My sis and her boyfriend are coming to sit with me! So fun. Love you all! Have a great turkey day!


Anne said...

Have a great trip! Love You Guys! AW

lola said...

Don't wear yourself out at work,hon. We will miss you and Scott at Thanksgiving -- have fun in the sun.
Love, Aunt Lola

Unknown said...

Hope! It was so great to see you in the halls of the Prentice palace.. pretty much the highlight of the day :) Can't wait to have ya back! Have a fun time in CA & bring back some sun to melt the snow that's coming!

Sam said...

Hi! I hope you guys got out to LA withouth too much trouble! Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! It was so fun to see you at work. We can't wait to have you back. See you soon :) Love, Sam xo

Margaret said...

Hope you guys had a fantastic Thanksgiving! I'll tell you all about ours when we come. Can't wait to see you and Scott!!!!

OurBev said...

Hope, I really hope your holiday trip is going well! :) Bet it's much warmer there than here! Can't wait to have you back at work, we've missed you so much. Your Aunt Lola is right though, make sure you don't wear yourself out there...it's easy to do these days with the craziness! :) Smooch!