Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hi guys...Sorry its been a bit since I updated the blog. I have been doing stuff, it's just I forgot my camera and a blog without pictures is just no fun. Above is Liz, my friend from work, we went to brunch today at a great brunch place Bongo Room in Wicker Park. It was very yummy!!! Definitely tasted better then my lunch excursion last week...I went to Hooters (I've never been before and I heard they have good wings)...let me be the one to announce this to everyone, the wings are not that great. Lesson learned. I walked all the way to lunch today(about 1.5miles), it was a bit of a walk, but if felt great! Which I take as a good sign of my energy level and (hopefully) means my weeks of being on the couch have not put me into horrible shape. I have chemo on friday, it will be #6. Only 6 more to go! It's crazy to think that when we all started this magical journey through chemoland that I was staring down 12 treatments. It really makes me think that there may be an end to all this fun after all!


Margaret said...

Glad your walk went well. I hope you didn't wear yourself out too much. Have a great rest of your day, sista'!

OurBev said...

Yay, halfway done!!! You've come a long way, baby! :) I miss you...and I'm so proud of you!

Sam said...

Yum, Bongo Room! Lucky you! Good luck with #6 tomorrow! I can't believe you're halfway done! Yea!!!!!! Love, Sam

Anne said...

What???? Hooters really doesn't have the best wings??? Yeah - I am so happy for you guys! 1/2 way is a big mile marker. You both are doing great:)Love You!

Unknown said...

great pic liz :) hope, good to see you are doing well..miss you tons at work...can't believe you are halfway's a cheer to a great 2nd half...good luck tomorrow!!

katie p

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are half way there! We are missing you at work!

Colie said...

Ya-hooie!!! Half way done... way to go Hope!