Monday, September 17, 2007

Hey guys...Well as you can see my white blood cells rallied! Thank goodness. The first pic is of my chemo nurse and friend Angela giving me Adriamycin, the first of four chemos total. Its red...oooohhh! The second picture is of me when Benedryl and etc kick in. I know I look drugged. Jill certainly thought I was a little funny...I guess I started to slur at one point. I'm feeling okay now. Just a little sick to my tummy. Talk to ya kids later. I gotta lay down.


Stefanie said...

Way to go WBC's!!!!! Get some rest Hope:) We love you tons:)!!!!!

Unknown said...

yey for the white blood cells..glad you can get back to fighting bruce!! ;) rest up and take all the anitnausea drugs you can!! :)

katie p

Sam said...

I'm so glad the cupcakes (and maybe those shots?) worked! Down with Bruce!!! Rest up and call me when your tummy feels better :) Love you, Sam

Anonymous said...

That is one gigantic cup of coffee! Glad to hear you were cleared for counts. Now get some rest!!! Miss you mucho! :)

lola said...

All I can say is it's a good thing you have those drugs to counteract the HUGE coffee you have there. Just remember "comfortable" is not necessarily "high".Way to go Hope E! How's the scalp? Love you. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

So glad your wbc's went up! :) Rest up! And that might be the biggest cup of starbucks I have ever seen! ;)
Luv ya!

Unknown said...

Glad your white blood cells finally got with the program! Must have been the funfetti ... :)

Unknown said...

OOH I kinda like the redness! Reminds me of Superman power juice to fight against the evil badness of Bruce :) Hope you're feeling okay today & getting some good rest to help it work some magic!

barb h said...

Hi Hope,
Looks like even Starbuck's is no match for IV drugs........
Thinking of you.
Love, Barb

Unknown said...

I knew your WBC's would do it!! Hope you feel better love!

Lindsay said...

you continue to amaze me!!! see ya brucey!
lots of love-lindsay