Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hey everyone...Happy Sunday. I couldn't go to church obviously. I think God forgives you if the doctor says you can't go! That's my friend Jen...everyone is trying to make sure I don't go crazy with boredom and loneliness. We are making funfetti halloween cupcakes. They are the coolest! I have had a huge sweet tooth lately. So, cupcakes rock!! Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow! Go white blood cells, go!!!!


Unknown said...

God forgives you- the NP says so.
PS I went for you today

Sam said...

I think studies have shown that funfetti cupcakes definitely increase white blood cell counts. My fingers are crossed, just in case the cupcakes don't do the trick!

Unknown said...

YAAY for the sweet tooth :) Next you should try some pumpkin bread with chocolate chips~ always a winner in my book! Thinking of you lots & hoping for big numbers tomorrow so you can continue to kick some big bad Bruce butt!! Luv you!

Unknown said...

i love mom usually makes that for my b-day cake..fudge brownies are yummy too!! i'm keeping my fingers crossed for higher white blood cells tomorrow!!! your in my prayers tonight!!

katie p

Stefanie said...

i have heard that bruce becomes weakened by eat up:)xoxo!

lola said...

Just to let you know your mother and I ate red meat on Saturday in support of you having to boost hemoglobin etc -- it was a sacrifice but hey - we had to show solidarity in order to kick Bruce out.I had ribs and your mom had prime rib!Here's hoping your counts are good today!Love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

sweet tooth? good to know.. I'll bring some goodies when I see you. I'm praying for high counts!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe you didn't go to church!!!!!! JK.. Good luck today!

Margaret said...

Good luck today, sista'. Thinking of you.

H said...

go white cells, go white cells, it's your birthday