Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hi! Sorry it has been a bit since I updated the blog. The holidays were great, busy! I'm sure everyone feels the same way! Scott and I were home in Minnesota...had a great time with fam and friends! We saw the radiation doc last friday and I had yet another CT scan yesterday for mapping for the radiation treatments. They actually form a plastic mask to your face and everything. I even received a very small tattoo on my sternum. Pretty cool and a little creepy at the same time. Radiation treatments start next tuesday...I will receive approx 18-20 treatments and it runs Mon-Fri! I'm starting back to work a little more this week. My docs say to just ease back in and see how it goes! I am working two days this week, 8hrs each day! Crazy! Above is a pic of one of my first days back the week before Christmas. Things went great...how could they not being around all my old buds again! Love ya lots!


Anne said...

It was SOOOO great having you back home! I am very happy that you are going to be working again too. It will be be just what you need. We miss you so much already! Love you!
Anne & baby

lola said...

holley12Miss you already! What a procedure! Take it easy now -- listen to your Aunt(ha-ha. I am sure you will come thru it fine. Say hi to Scott and the dogs. Hope to see you again soon.

lola said...

oops I made mistake on last entry

Jo said...

Good luck getting back in to the swing of things. Take it easy and get lots of rest. We hope the radiation is not too taxing. We were pleased to see Starbuck's back in the picture!

Dad and Jo

Stefanie said...


So glad you had a nice holiday:) Cannot wait to see at work sweetie! We have missed you so very much:)


Anne said...
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Anne said...

Hi Hope-E..Haven't talked in a bit. I hope all is well. Love you! AW

Margaret said...

Hey, Sista'--
Are you ever going to update this blog? You could change the name of it and use it to keep in touch with everyone! Just a thought! Happy early b-day!
Love you

Anne said...


lola said...

Happy Belated Birthday Hope-e. Love you miss you! Hope you had fun on your birthday and I hope you are feeling ok inspite of the radiation treatments.